Rights and Responsibilities for International Students(Foreigners)Joining the National Health Insurance (NHI) Program of the R.O.C.
A NHI Enrollment & Withdrawal:
Since January 1, 2013, foreigners with an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) who have resided in Taiwan for more than six months are required to enroll in the National Health Insurance (NHI) program instantly.
Foreigners, who lost their residence status because they no longer hold a valid ARC or because they are not returning to Taiwan, will also lose their right to participate in the NHI program. They must withdraw their subscription to the NHI program through their group insurance applicant (their employer or local administration office) and then return their NHI card to their applicant and pay any premiums due in full before leaving Taiwan. When traveling overseas for a short period of time, either on business or vacation, and then returning to Taiwan with a valid ARC, foreigners must remain enrolled in the NHI program.
B Insurance Premium Payment:
Newly admitted students and transfer students with an ARC who have resided in Taiwan for more than six months must enroll in the NHI program. During the six months, students can leave Taiwan once for less than 30 days. The number of days that students are not in Taiwan won’t count in the continuous residence.
Students will have to pay the insurance fee during the registration in each semester. The insurance fee for students enrolled in NHI is NT$4,956 per Semester/ NT$826 per Month (Insurance Premium Payment is subject to change)
C NHI Medical Services:
In cases of illness, injury, and childbirth, the beneficiaries can receive medical services; including medication, outpatient and inpatient services from NHI contracted healthcare providers.
The beneficiaries must pay co-payments for receiving medical services and follow medical regulations.
D Medical Expenses Reimbursement:
In cases where beneficiaries receive medical services overseas, such as unexpected medical needs or childbirth, they are entitled to claim reimbursement. They should make their claim within six months after the unexpected occurrence with receipts, including detailed service items and documents of diagnosis.
E Penalty for Violations:
The National Health Insurance Program is mandatory; any person who is qualified for this Program must enroll in the National Health Insurance Program. Any person who doesn’t enroll is subject to a fine of NT$3,000 to NT$15,000. In addition, this person is required to pay the full premiums starting from the date he or she should have been enrolled. No benefits will be offered before the premiums are paid in full. A notice of penalty violation will be delivered in writing and the fine must be paid on time. If the fines imposed remain unpaid, after a given period of time the case will be referred to the courts for compulsory enforcement.
Relevant Websites
Bureau of National Health insurance: https://www.nhi.gov.tw/english/(link is external)
Contact Information
Office of International Student Service, OISS (Taipei Campus)
Tel: +886-2-2882-4564 ext. 2697, 2698
Fax: +886-2-2882-4564 ext. 2699
E-mail: nora@mail.mcu.edu.tw (Ms. Nancy Wang)
Office of International Student Service, OISS (Taoyuan Campus)
Tel: +886-3-350-7001 ext. 3311
Fax: +886-3-359-3854
E-mail: mfchung@mail.mcu.edu.tw (Ms. Teresa Chung)