Public phone booths marked for international calls can make international calls. Phone cards can be purchased in convenience stores such as 7-11, Familymart,…
Dial 002+ your home country code+ area code + home number
You can buy cellular phones in communication stores. The stores provide several
monthly subscription plans.
Subscription Requirement
a. Subscriber must be 20 years old or over.
b. Subscriber must present valid passport and Alien Residence Certificate
c. Subscriber must have a native guarantor (R.O.C citizen) who is 20 years old
or over. The guarantor will be required to present two valid photo identity
cards. (e.g. a photo identity card, a national health insurance card, or a
driver’s license)
- TaiwanMobile http://www.taiwanmobile.com (link is external)
Toll free call: 0809-000-852 - Fareastone http://www.fetnet.net (link is external)
Toll free call: 0800-058-885 - ChungHwa http://www.cht.com.tw (link is external)
Toll free call: 0800-080-123 - T-Star http://www.tstartel.com/ (link is external)
Toll free call: 0800-661-234